A recent incident at Chandigarh airport has brought to light the simmering tensions surrounding the farmers’ protests. A Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) constable, Kulwinder Kaur, has been arrested for allegedly slapping renowned actor and newly-elected Mandi MP, Kangana Ranaut.
The altercation reportedly stemmed from Ranaut’s controversial past remarks about the farmers’ agitation. In 2020, during the peak of the nationwide protests against the farm laws, Ranaut had insinuated on social media that some protestors were paid a mere ₹100 to participate. This statement, which she later deleted, sparked widespread criticism.
Partial video footage of the airport incident shows Ranaut being escorted through a security checkpoint before a heated argument erupts. However, the video does not capture the alleged physical assault.
In a detailed account on social media platform X, Ranaut described how she was accosted after passing through the security checkpoint. She claimed that Constable Kaur confronted her with a verbal tirade before allegedly striking her. According to Ranaut, Kaur justified her actions by invoking Ranaut’s stance on the farmers’ protests. Ranaut further expressed concerns over rising terrorism in Punjab, pointing to broader security issues.
This incident is not the first time Ranaut’s comments on the farmers’ protests have sparked controversy. She previously labeled protestors as “terrorists” in response to international pop star Rihanna’s tweet about the protests, accusing them of attempting to destabilize India. Such remarks have deepened the divide in public opinion regarding the legitimacy of the protests.
The farmers’ protests, which began in 2020 and extended into 2021, garnered global attention and sparked intense national debate. Ranaut’s vocal opposition and inflammatory rhetoric have significantly polarized public discourse.
As the investigation into the airport incident continues, it highlights the volatile nature of public discourse on sensitive issues like the farmers’ protests. The arrest of Constable Kaur serves as a stark reminder of the potential consequences of such confrontations in an already contentious socio-political environment.